

Welcome to the DynaPictures Image Generation API.

You can use this REST API to generate images dynamically using predefined templates. You need to sign in and create image template(s) first.


Provide an API Key in the Authorization header when accessing the API

curl "api_endpoint_here" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY"

Make sure to replace API_KEY with your API key.

DynaPictures uses API keys to allow access to the API. You can sign in and get your API key on the account page or in the API console for a particular image template.

DynaPictures expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:

Authorization: Bearer API_KEY

Image Generation API

Image Generation

curl -d '{"params":[{"name":"text1","text":"Suspendisse tempus odio","color":"#333","backgroundColor":"#f9f9f9","borderColor":"#ddd","borderWidth":"1px","borderRadius":"5px","opacity":1}]}' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Response for the single page templates:

  "id": "c13bd141c7",
  "templateId": "debcaw6f99",
  "imageUrl": "",
  "thumbnailUrl": "",
  "retinaThumbnailUrl": "",
  "metadata": "",
  "width": 1000,
  "height": 1500

Once an image template is designed in DynaPictures, it can be used to generate custom images via the REST API. This endpoint can also be explored interactively, when clicking the "API Console" button for a particular image template.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
UID The ID of an image template to use.

The UID of an image template can be found on the image template page in the top left corner.

Request Body

Request body example

  "format": "jpeg",
  "metadata": "Custom data",
  "params": [
      "name": "canvas",
      "backgroundColor": "#fff"
      "name": "title",
      "text": "Suspe tempus odio",
      "color": "#333",
      "backgroundColor": "#f9f9f9",
      "borderColor": "#ddd",
      "borderWidth": "1px",
      "borderRadius": "5px",
      "opacity": 1
      "name": "text",
      "text": "Morbi nec sit amet",
      "color": "#333",
      "backgroundColor": "#f9f9f9",
      "borderColor": "#ddd",
      "borderWidth": "1px",
      "borderRadius": "5px",
      "opacity": 1
      "name": "image1",
      "imageUrl": "",
      "imagePosition": "align",
      "imageAlignH": "full",
      "imageAlignV": "top",
      "borderColor": "#ddd",
      "borderWidth": "2px",
      "borderRadius": "5px",
      "opacity": 1

It is possible to create a new image by customizing image template and providing specific parameters for the image layers as a JSON document in the request body.

The request body must be a JSON document containing the fields below. All properties are optional.

Property Type Description
format String The image format to be used when generating a new image. Can be one of png, jpeg, webp or avif.
metadata String Custom data that can be stored in the generated image object. Can be useful to pass data to the next action when using No-Code tools. For example, the text of the message to be published on the social network along with the image.
params Array of Objects List of custom parameters, specifying new values for the image layers. It's possible to replace text and images, adjust styling, etc. See details below.

There are different parameters available for customization, depending on the layer type. E.g. new texts can be provided for the text layers, new images for the images. Almost all shapes support custom styles for the background, border and opacity.

Each object in the params array corresponds to the image layer we want to customize. The param object may have the following fields:

Parameter Type Description
name String The name of the layer to be customized. It can be found in the settings panel when a layer is selected.
text String The text to be rendered in the text layer.
color String The color of the text. E.g. #000000, rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,0.5).
backgroundColor String The background color of the layer. E.g. #fff, rgb(255,255,255) or rgba(0,0,0,0.5).
borderColor String The border color of the layer. E.g. #000000, rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,0.5). When defining this field, it's a good idea to specify a borderWidth property as well.
borderWidth String The border width of the layer. E.g. 1px.
borderRadius String The border radius of the layer. E.g. 5px or 50%.
imageUrl String The image to be used when rendering an image layer.
imagePosition String The image position inside its container. Possible values:
  • If empty or missing, the image will be centered by default.
  • cro - Crop the image to fill the container leaving no empty space. This option is useful when the image size and aspect ratio is not much different from its container and you need to cut automatically a bit of space on the side(s).
  • ai_face - detect face(s) on the image and crop intelligently so that faces are always visible.
  • cov - cover container by scaling the image to the smallest possible size to fill the container, leaving no empty space. If the proportions of the background differ from the element, the image is cropped either vertically or horizontally.
  • align - Align image inside its container. Provide this parameter and then use the imageAlignH and imageAlignV for exact positioning horizontally and vertically
imageAlignH String Horizontal alignment of an image. Takes effect only if imagePosition parameter is specified and equels to align. Possible values are left, center,right and full. If full is specified, the image will take 100% of the container width.
imageAlignV String Vertical alignment of an image. Takes effect only if imagePosition parameter is specified and equels to align. Possible values are top, center,bottom and full. If full is specified, the image will take 100% of the container height.
imageEffect String Applies graphical effects and adjust rendering of an image. CSS filter value can be applied to an image with the help of this parameter . E.g. grayscale(100%) to convert color photo to black and white image, blur image with blur(4px), drop shadow with drop-shadow(16px 16px 20px red), add sepia filter with sepia(100%), etc.
opacity String Floating-point number representing the transperency of the layer. The 0 makes a layer fully transparent (hidden) and the 1 leaves it as is.
chartColor String The color of the chart. E.g. #000000, rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,0.5).
chartLabelColor Strings The color of the chart labels on the X and Y axis. E.g. #000000, rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,0.5).
chartDataLabels Array of Strings List of labels to be shown on the X axis. E.g. ['2021-01-01', '2021-02-01', '2021-03-01', '2021-04-01']. The values are in the datetime format and also can be provided in the form like 11 Feb 2017 GMT, 9 October 2019 07:37:30 UTC or 2020-04-01 10:35.
chartDataValues Array of Numbers Data series of the chart. E.g. [8.1, 13.57, 15.75, 17.1].

Custom Metadata


  "metadata" : "Custom Value like Username",
  "params": [
      "name": "canvas",
      "backgroundColor": "#fff"


  "id": "c13bd141c7",
  "templateId": "debcaw6f99",
  "imageUrl": "",
  "thumbnailUrl": "",
  "retinaThumbnailUrl": "",
  "metadata": "Custom Value like Username",
  "width": 1000,
  "height": 1500

Custom metadata can be saved in the image object. It can be passed in the metadata field in request JSON. The response object will contain this metadata field and the passed value then.


Parameter Description
templateUid The UID of an image template.
imageUrl The URL of a generated image in PNG format.
thumbnailUrl Thumbnail URL of the generated image, fitting into 300x300px square.
retinaThumbnailUrl Thumbnail URL for retina displays, fitting into 600x600px square.
metadata Custom metadata provided for an image.
width The width of an image.
height The height of an image.

Multipage Templates


  "format": "jpeg",
  "metadata": "some text",
  "pages": [
      "index": 0,
      "layers": [
          "name": "text1",
          "text": "API Test 1"
          "name": "image2",
          "imageUrl": ""
      "index": 1,
      "layers": [
          "name": "image4",
          "imageUrl": ""
          "name": "image5",
          "imageUrl": ""
          "name": "image6",
          "imageUrl": ""


    "templateId": "b394d5f371",
    "templateName": "Multi 1",
    "pages": [
            "id": "t3tewr25qdcz",
            "imageUrl": "",
            "thumbnailUrl": "",
            "metadata": "some text",
            "width": 1200,
            "height": 1200,
            "pageIndex": 0
            "id": "xl7g9mxg6lk6",
            "imageUrl": "",
            "thumbnailUrl": "",
            "metadata": "some text",
            "width": 1200,
            "height": 1200,
            "pageIndex": 1

When using multipage templates, it's possible to generate multiple images with a single API request. A list of generated images (pages) will be returned in the response. It's also possible to add all generated images to a single PDF file. Please see the next section for more details on PDF generation.

For each generated page one image credit will be used.

Multipage templates have different request and request formats. Please see below.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
UID The ID of an image template to use.

The UID of an image template can be found on the image template page in the top left corner.

Request Body

The request body must be a JSON document containing the fields below. All properties are optional.

Property Type Description
format String The image format to be used when generating a new image. Can be one of png, jpeg, webp or avif.
metadata String Custom data that can be stored in the generated image object. Can be useful to pass data to the next action when using No-Code tools. For example, the text of the message to be published on the social network along with the image.
pages Array of Pages List of pages and their custom layers. See example for the page definition below.

Fields of the page:

Property Type Description
index Number The index of the page, so that the system can link this page in the request to the page in the template
layers Array of Parameters List of custom parameters, specifying new values for the page layers. It's possible to replace text and images, adjust styling, etc. See details below.

There are different parameters available for customization, depending on the layer type. E.g. new texts can be provided for the text layers, new images for the images. Almost all shapes support custom styles for the background, border and opacity.

Each object in the layers array corresponds to the page layer we want to customize. The param object may have the following fields:

Parameter Type Description
name String The name of the layer to be customized. It can be found in the settings panel when a layer is selected.
text String The text to be rendered in the text layer.
color String The color of the text. E.g. #000000, rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,0.5).
backgroundColor String The background color of the layer. E.g. #fff, rgb(255,255,255) or rgba(0,0,0,0.5).
borderColor String The border color of the layer. E.g. #000000, rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,0.5). When defining this field, it's a good idea to specify a borderWidth property as well.
borderWidth String The border width of the layer. E.g. 1px.
borderRadius String The border radius of the layer. E.g. 5px or 50%.
imageUrl String The image to be used when rendering an image layer.
imagePosition String The image position inside its container. Possible values:
  • If empty or missing, the image will be centered by default.
  • cro - Crop the image to fill the container leaving no empty space. This option is useful when the image size and aspect ratio is not much different from its container and you need to cut automatically a bit of space on the side(s).
  • ai_face - detect face(s) on the image and crop intelligently so that faces are always visible.
  • cov - cover container by scaling the image to the smallest possible size to fill the container, leaving no empty space. If the proportions of the background differ from the element, the image is cropped either vertically or horizontally.
  • align - Align image inside its container. Provide this parameter and then use the imageAlignH and imageAlignV for exact positioning horizontally and vertically
imageAlignH String Horizontal alignment of an image. Takes effect only if imagePosition parameter is specified and equels to align. Possible values are left, center,right and full. If full is specified, the image will take 100% of the container width.
imageAlignV String Vertical alignment of an image. Takes effect only if imagePosition parameter is specified and equels to align. Possible values are top, center,bottom and full. If full is specified, the image will take 100% of the container height.
imageEffect String Applies graphical effects and adjust rendering of an image. CSS filter value can be applied to an image with the help of this parameter . E.g. grayscale(100%) to convert color photo to black and white image, blur image with blur(4px), drop shadow with drop-shadow(16px 16px 20px red), add sepia filter with sepia(100%), etc.
opacity String Floating-point number representing the transperency of the layer. The 0 makes a layer fully transparent (hidden) and the 1 leaves it as is.

PDF Generation


  "format": "pdf",
  "metadata": "some text",
  "pages": [
      "index": 0,
      "layers": [
          "name": "text1",
          "text": "API Test 1"
          "name": "image2",
          "imageUrl": ""
      "index": 1,
      "layers": [
          "name": "image4",
          "imageUrl": ""
          "name": "image5",
          "imageUrl": ""
          "name": "image6",
          "imageUrl": ""


    "id": "2e3zyoys980m",
    "templateId": "b394d5f371",
    "templateName": "Multi 1",
    "imageUrl": "",
    "pdfUrl": "",
    "thumbnailUrl": "",
    "metadata": "some text",
    "width": 1200,
    "height": 1200

When a PDF format is passed in the request body for multipage templates, a single PDF file is generated, incorporating all pages from the design template.

For each PDF page, one image credit is consumed.

The imageUrl in the response points to a generated PDF file.

HTTP Request

The request and body are the same as for multipage templates described above; however, in this case, the format is set to "pdf".


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
UID The ID of an image template to use.

The UID of an image template can be found on the image template page in the top left corner.

Request Body

The request body must be a JSON document containing the fields below. All properties are optional.

Property Type Description
format String The format must be set to pdf.
metadata String Custom data that can be stored in the generated image object. Can be useful to pass data to the next action when using No-Code tools. For example, the text of the message to be published on the social network along with the image.
pages Array of Pages List of pages and their custom layers. For more details on the page object structure, please see Multipage Templates section above.

Delete Generated Image

Any previously generated image can be deleted via an API endpoint below.

HTTP Request:


HTTP Response: 200 OK

No body returned with response

HTTP Request

Send a delete request to remove previously generated image.



Parameter Description
IMAGE_PATH The subpath of the image on the server that was provided in the response during image generation. E.g. if the full image URL was then IMAGE_PATH is ff01d10f8d/9be4738250.png and the full deletion request will look like DELETE

HTTP Response

Upon successful request completion, the response contains no body. Only the 200/OK code is returned along with the standard headers.

Batch API

Multipage PDF

Request: POST

               "text":"Page #1"
               "text":"Page #2 from different template"

Response: PDF content

The following endpoint can be used to generate PDFs with the arbitrary number of pages. All pages can be generated using the same design template, or different templates can be specified for the individual pages.

For each PDF page, one image credit is consumed.

The PDF file content is streamed directly in the response.

The pages of the final PDF are rendered sequentially one by one. Reach out to our support if you generate many pages and hit timeout limits.

HTTP Request

The request URL doesn't contain the template ID, like other endpoints, as different templates can be used for different pages.


Request Body

The request body must be a JSON document containing the fields below. All properties are optional except of the pages property.

Property Type Description
templateId String The ID of the design template to be used to render PDF pages. May be skipped, only if all of the page objects have their own template IDs assigned.
format String Optional. The format is set to the pdf by defult. Other formats are not supported at the moment. Reach out to us if you need other formats.
metadata String Optional. Rarely used for PDFs. Custom data that can be stored in the generated image object for the individual page of the PDF. Can be useful to pass data to the next action when using No-Code tools.
pages Array of Pages List of pages and their custom layers. For more details on the page object structure, please see the table below.

Each object in the pages array corresponds to the page of the PDF to be genrated. The Page object may have the following fields:

Property Type Description
templateId String The ID of the template to be used to render this page. Optional property. If not specified, then the "templateId" prameter specified at the top level will be used.
metadata String Optional. Custom metadata that can be individually specified for this particular page. Rarely used.
layers Array of Pages List of pages and their custom layers. For more details on the page object structure, please see the table below.

Each object in the layers array corresponds to the template layer we want to customize. The layer object may have the following fields:

Parameter Type Description
name String The name of the layer to be customized. It can be found in the settings panel when a layer is selected.
text String The text to be rendered in the text layer.
color String The color of the text. E.g. #000000, rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,0.5).
backgroundColor String The background color of the layer. E.g. #fff, rgb(255,255,255) or rgba(0,0,0,0.5).
borderColor String The border color of the layer. E.g. #000000, rgb(0,0,0) or rgba(0,0,0,0.5). When defining this field, it's a good idea to specify a borderWidth property as well.
borderWidth String The border width of the layer. E.g. 1px.
borderRadius String The border radius of the layer. E.g. 5px or 50%.
imageUrl String The image to be used when rendering an image layer.
imagePosition String The image position inside its container. Possible values:
  • If empty or missing, the image will be centered by default.
  • cro - Crop the image to fill the container leaving no empty space. This option is useful when the image size and aspect ratio is not much different from its container and you need to cut automatically a bit of space on the side(s).
  • ai_face - detect face(s) on the image and crop intelligently so that faces are always visible.
  • cov - cover container by scaling the image to the smallest possible size to fill the container, leaving no empty space. If the proportions of the background differ from the element, the image is cropped either vertically or horizontally.
  • align - Align image inside its container. Provide this parameter and then use the imageAlignH and imageAlignV for exact positioning horizontally and vertically
imageAlignH String Horizontal alignment of an image. Takes effect only if imagePosition parameter is specified and equels to align. Possible values are left, center,right and full. If full is specified, the image will take 100% of the container width.
imageAlignV String Vertical alignment of an image. Takes effect only if imagePosition parameter is specified and equels to align. Possible values are top, center,bottom and full. If full is specified, the image will take 100% of the container height.
imageEffect String Applies graphical effects and adjust rendering of an image. CSS filter value can be applied to an image with the help of this parameter . E.g. grayscale(100%) to convert color photo to black and white image, blur image with blur(4px), drop shadow with drop-shadow(16px 16px 20px red), add sepia filter with sepia(100%), etc.
opacity String Floating-point number representing the transperency of the layer. The 0 makes a layer fully transparent (hidden) and the 1 leaves it as is.


Webhooks enable subscriptions and event-driven processing of the information. It's possible to subscribe to an event like creation of a new template or generation of a new image, so that DynaPictures can send request with data to a specified URL when such event occurs.

Subscribe Webhook

HTTP Request

Sample Request

  "targetUrl": "",
  "eventType": "NEW_IMAGE",
  "templateId": "000d61e4f7"

Sample Response

  "uid": "610cf03c73",
  "eventType": "NEW_IMAGE",
  "targetUrl": "",
  "designUid": "000d61e4f7",
  "dateCreated": "2021-05-25T20:17:36.850Z"


Request Body

All fields are required

Field Description
targetUrl The URL of the REST endpoint that will receieve notifications.
eventType Type of the event to subscribe for. Allowed value is NEW_IMAGE.
templateId The UID of the image template, so that this webhook will receieve notifications for new images for this particular template only.

HTTP Response

Response contains the parameters that were passed in the request, as well as ID and date fields.

Webhook Notification

Webhook Notification Request

  "id": "c13bd141c7",
  "templateId": "debcaw6f99",
  "imageUrl": "",
  "thumbnailUrl": "",
  "retinaThumbnailUrl": "",
  "metadata": "Custom Value like Username",
  "width": 1000,
  "height": 1500

Upon an event a webhook was subscribed for, DynaPictures sends a POST request to a webhook URL and includes the generated image information in the same format as the response of the image generation endpoint.

POST {targetUrl}

Unsubscribe Webhook

When webhook is not needed anymore, it can be unregistered.

HTTP Request

Sample Request

  "targetUrl": "",
  "eventType": "NEW_IMAGE",
  "templateId": "000d61e4f7"

Sample Response

  "error": false,
  "message": ""


Request Body

Send the same parameters that were used to create a webhook in a DELETE request and it will be unregistered. All fields are required

Field Description
targetUrl The URL of the REST endpoint that receiving notifications.
eventType Type of the event to subscribe for, the value that was passed when subscribing this webhook.
templateId The UID of the image template, the value that was passed when subscribing this webhook.

Template API

List Templates

HTTP Response:

    "id": "000d61e4f7",
    "name": "Twitter Template",
    "thumbnail": "",
    "dateCreated": "2021-05-09T11:54:04.000Z",
    "dateUpdated": "2021-05-09T11:54:26.000Z",
    "layers": [
        "type": "canvas",
        "name": "canvas",
        "width": "650",
        "height": "500",
        "text": null
        "type": "image",
        "name": "image1",
        "width": "304.40606689453125",
        "height": "246.054931640625",
        "text": null
    "id": "b528e7be1d",
    "name": "Instagram Template",
    "thumbnail": "",
    "dateCreated": "2021-05-06T20:20:20.000Z",
    "dateUpdated": "2021-05-13T17:24:06.000Z",
    "layers": [
        "type": "canvas",
        "name": "canvas",
        "width": "650",
        "height": "500",
        "text": null

HTTP Request

Get all templates that are ready (the "Sync to Zapier" checkbox is enabled).


HTTP Response

The response contains a list of template objects with the following fields:

Parameter Description
id The ID of an image template.
name The name of the template.
thumbnail Thumbnail URL of the template, fitting into 300x300px square.
dateCreated Creation date of the template.
dateUpdated Last modification date of the template.
layers The list of template layers containing type, name and width, height fields.

Get Template


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
UID The ID of an image template to use.

HTTP Response:

  "id": "000d61e4f7",
  "name": "Twitter Template",
  "thumbnail": "",
  "dateCreated": "2021-05-09T11:54:04.000Z",
  "dateUpdated": "2021-05-09T11:54:26.000Z",
  "layers": [
      "type": "canvas",
      "name": "canvas",
      "width": "650",
      "height": "500",
      "text": null
      "type": "image",
      "name": "image1",
      "width": "304.40606689453125",
      "height": "246.054931640625",
      "text": null

Get details of a single template.

HTTP Response

The response contains template object with the following fields:

Parameter Description
id The ID of an image template.
name The name of the template.
thumbnail Thumbnail URL of the template, fitting into 300x300px square.
dateCreated Creation date of the template.
dateUpdated Last modification date of the template.
layers The list of template layers containing type, name and width, height fields.

Workspace API

Workspaces help you keep images organized in separate areas. One of the most common uses of workspaces is to implement multitenancy, when you create a separate workspace for each client. It's also possible to use workspaces to isolate projects or teams.

Anyone can query the list of workspaces available to her. But only account admins can create or modify workspaces.

This API can be useful when connected to your CRM to provision new workspaces via API when onboarding new clients.

Workspace List


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \


    "id": "74b5b2c96a",
    "name": "Workspace for Client",
    "dateCreated": "2021-06-15T12:30:14.000Z",
    "dateUpdated": "2021-06-15T12:30:14.000Z"
    "id": "7bb87e37ef",
    "name": "Workspace for Project",
    "dateCreated": "2022-05-31T15:53:32.000Z",
    "dateUpdated": "2022-05-31T15:53:32.000Z"

HTTP Request

Get all workspaces the current user is member of.


HTTP Response

The response contains a list of workspace objects with the following fields:

Parameter Description
id The ID of a workspace.
name The name of a workspace.
dateCreated Creation date of a workspace.
dateUpdated Last modification date of a workspace.

Create Workspace


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"name": "Banners for client 22" }' \

Request body:

  "name": "Banners for client"


  "id": "74b5b2c96a",
  "name": "Banners for client 22",
  "dateCreated": "2021-06-15T12:30:14.000Z",
  "dateUpdated": "2021-06-15T12:30:14.000Z"

HTTP Request

Create a new workspace.


Request Body

The request body must be a JSON document containing the fields below.

Property Type Description
name String Name of a new workspace. Required field.

Update Workspace

Name of a workspace can be updated using the endpoint below.


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"name": "Banners for client 1234" }' \
  -X PUT{ID}

Request body:

  "name": "Banners for client 1234"


  "id": "74b5b2c96a",
  "name": "Banners for client 1234",
  "dateCreated": "2021-06-15T12:30:14.000Z",
  "dateUpdated": "2021-06-15T12:30:14.000Z"

HTTP Request

Create a new workspace.


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of a workspace to be updated.

Request Body

The request body must be a JSON document containing the fields below.

Property Type Description
name String New name of a workspace. Required field.

Delete Workspace

Workspace can be deleted using the endpoint below. All image templates, media library files, as well as generated images will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \


  "id": "74b5b2c96a",
  "name": "Banners for client 1234",
  "dateCreated": "2021-06-15T12:30:14.000Z",
  "dateUpdated": "2021-06-15T12:30:14.000Z"

HTTP Request

Delete workspace by ID. Workspace admin permissions are required to perform this request.


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
ID The ID of a workspace to be deleted.

Response Body

Response contains the information about deleted workspace.

Media Library API

Media Library API allows connecting Media Library of DynaPictures to external systems for digital asset management. Another option is to use this API to upload images to DynaPictures before embedding these images and auto-generating final images over API. This option improves image generation performance, as DynaPictures doesn't have to download the images over internet first and can start image generation immediately.

Asset is a fundamental concept in media library. Both images and folders are modelled as assets for more flexibility.

Asset List

Get all media library assets for the workspace.


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \{workspaceId}/assets


  "page": 1,
  "totalPages": 5,
  "results": [
      "id": "d3b98332a5",
      "folder": false,
      "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
      "filename": "Wild Sommer.jpg",
      "size": 3771877,
      "url": "",
      "thumbnailUrl": "",
      "dateCreated": "2022-05-13T09:29:04.000Z",
      "dateUpdated": "2022-05-13T09:29:04.000Z"
      "id": "08b1ce5a27",
      "folder": false,
      "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
      "filename": "Unsplash.jpg",
      "size": 4882347,
      "url": "",
      "thumbnailUrl": "",
      "dateCreated": "2022-02-11T15:01:50.000Z",
      "dateUpdated": "2022-02-11T15:01:50.000Z"

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
workspaceId The ID of a workspace with assets.
p This is a query parameter that contains the page number to be fetched. It's not zero-based and starts at 1. This parameter is optional.

HTTP Response

Response contains a list of asset objects with the following fields:

Property Description
page Current page number. It's not zero-based and starts at 1.
totalPages Total number of pages. Default page size is 30, not customizable yet. Please let us know if you need to customize.
results The list of asset objects. The asset fields are described below

Assets consist of the following properties:

Parameter Description
id The ID of an asset.
folder Boolean specifying whether this asset is an image or a folder.
mimeType MIME type of an image.
filename Filename of an image.
size Image size in bytes.
url Link to an image
thumbnailUrl Link to an image thumbnail.
dateCreated Creation date of an asset.
dateUpdated Last modification date of an asset.

Upload an Image

Upload an image and create an asset object from it. Retrieve an image URL from the response and use it later.


curl --form -H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \
  -F file=@my_image.jpeg \
  -X POST{workspaceId}/assets

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
workspaceId The ID of a workspace to upload an image to.

Request body

Multipart body with 'multipart/form-data' content type and the following parameters:

Parameter Description
file The file content to be uploaded.

HTTP Response


  "id": "5a12844966",
  "folder": false,
  "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
  "filename": "my_image.jpeg",
  "size": 32137,
  "url": "",
  "thumbnailUrl": "",
  "dateCreated": "2022-05-31T19:57:08.458Z",
  "dateUpdated": "2022-05-31T19:57:08.458Z"

Response contains an asset object with the following fields:

Parameter Description
id The ID of an asset.
folder Boolean specifying this asset an image or a folder.
mimeType MIME type of an image.
filename Filename of uploaded image.
size Image size in bytes.
url Link to uploaded image
thumbnailUrl Link to image thumbnail.
dateCreated Creation date of an asset.
dateUpdated Last modification date of an asset.

Load Asset

Load individual asset object by ID.


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \{workspaceId}/assets/{ID}

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
workspaceId The ID of an asset's workspace.
ID The ID of an asset.

Response Body


  "id": "5a12844966",
  "folder": false,
  "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
  "filename": "my_image.jpeg",
  "size": 32137,
  "url": "",
  "thumbnailUrl": "",
  "dateCreated": "2022-05-31T19:57:08.458Z",
  "dateUpdated": "2022-05-31T19:57:08.458Z"

Response contains an asset object with the following fields:

Parameter Description
id The ID of an asset.
folder Boolean specifying this asset an image or a folder.
mimeType MIME type of an image.
filename Filename of uploaded image.
size Image size in bytes.
url Link to uploaded image
thumbnailUrl Link to image thumbnail.
dateCreated Creation date of an asset.
dateUpdated Last modification date of an asset.

Update Asset

Update individual asset object by uploading a new image for it.


curl --form -H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \
  -F upload=@my_image.jpeg \
  -X PUT{workspaceId}/assets/{ID}

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
workspaceId The ID of an asset's workspace.
ID The ID of an asset.

Request body

Multipart body with 'multipart/form-data' content type and the following parameters:

Parameter Description
file The file content to be uploaded.

Response Body


  "id": "5a12844966",
  "folder": false,
  "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
  "filename": "my_image.jpeg",
  "size": 32137,
  "url": "",
  "thumbnailUrl": "",
  "dateCreated": "2022-05-31T19:57:08.458Z",
  "dateUpdated": "2022-05-31T19:57:08.458Z"

Response contains an updated asset object with the following fields:

Parameter Description
id The ID of an asset.
folder Boolean specifying this asset an image or a folder.
mimeType MIME type of an image.
filename Filename of uploaded image.
size Image size in bytes.
url Link to uploaded image
thumbnailUrl Link to image thumbnail.
dateCreated Creation date of an asset.
dateUpdated Last modification date of an asset.

Delete Asset

Delete individual asset object by ID.


curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}" \
  -X DELETE{workspaceId}/assets/{ID}

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
workspaceId The ID of an asset's workspace.
ID The ID of an asset to be deleted.

Response Body


  "id": "5a12844966",
  "folder": false,
  "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
  "filename": "my_image.jpeg",
  "size": 32137,
  "url": "",
  "thumbnailUrl": "",
  "dateCreated": "2022-05-31T19:57:08.458Z",
  "dateUpdated": "2022-05-31T19:57:08.458Z"

Response contains a deleted asset object with the following fields:

Parameter Description
id The ID of an asset.
folder Boolean specifying this asset an image or a folder.
mimeType MIME type of an image.
filename Filename of uploaded image.
size Image size in bytes.
url Link to uploaded image
thumbnailUrl Link to image thumbnail.
dateCreated Creation date of an asset.
dateUpdated Last modification date of an asset.


The Kittn API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only.
404 Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
410 Gone -- The kitten requested has been removed from our servers.
418 I'm a teapot.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many kittens! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.